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Replica Spitfire For Sale 1

$269k A Replica Spitfire is for Sale in Canada

In Breslau, Ontario, Canada a 2014 Supermarine Spitfire is for sale with an asking price of $269,000 (the seller is open to offers!). The Ebay listing for this particular item details how the meticulously crafted plane was awarded 'Best in Show' by the Replica Fighter Association at Oshkosh in July 2019.


The Supermarine Spitfire is an iconic, British Second World War fighter plane which will forever be remembered due to its exploits during and after the Battle of Britain.  Produced in significant numbers at the time (approximately 20,000 were built in total), a very small number survive with approximately 70 still being airworthy.


This is a really spectacular item to own and, with a negotiable asking price of US$269,000, offered at an attractive price.  Let us know if you buy it – we'd love to see a video of it in action.